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3 Free Guides To Help You Find the Right Camera

A good camera can make a difference in your photography. Choosing the right equipment depends on a number of factors, like your budget; accessibility; and what style of photography you prefer. All of these factors can influence what equipment you carry.

It can be quite a daunting task to figure out the right camera for you, so we’ve gathered three free guides to help you out if you are looking for where to start. First things first…

1. Mirrorless or DSLR? [1]


A few years back the argument was between film and digital. Now, it’s between whether a DSLR or a Mirrorless camera is best for you. Both have their share of pros and cons, and depending on what you wish to accomplish, you’ll want to read Jason D. Little’s guide to help narrow down the choice. Download now → [1]

2. Understanding Lenses! [2]


Kent DuFault gathered his valuable experience regarding lenses in this guide, so that when you go to purchase your next lens, you can have basic knowledge surrounding lens design and operation. You’ll also be able to better understand the lenses you own, and help you make good purchasing decisions in the future for what you might want or need. Download now → [2]

3. Kit or No Kit? [3]


Another guide from Kent DuFault, this quick guide will help you navigate through those amazing looking offers you generally see online. Are they worth the money? It’s always a good idea to get a better sense of what is being offered and what to look for in these kit offers before you purchase them. Download now → [3]

Further reading

If you want to learn the simplest way for you to learn and master photography on-the-go, then definitely check out these Snap Cards [4]! They’re a set of 44 printable cheat sheets [4] with key photography lessons that you can take with you anywhere. Get them here! [4]