Even though most people in the northern hemisphere may prefer summer (for obvious reasons), winter can present itself with opportunities to take exceptional photographs.
I hope the photos showcased in this post will inspire you to go out, enjoy what’s left of winter, and shoot some amazing winter photographs—make sure you bring an extra battery, some warm gloves and have fun!
Winter wonderland Austria mountain landscape
Winter’s not done with us yet
Grand Canyon National Park: Winter Storm Sunset 2756
Winter Landscape
Brunsberg Gipfel im Winter
Desolate bush wallpaper

Photo by paddyis1337
Snow Landscape HDR
Afternoon sun
Winterland HDR
Tiilliruukinlahti, Helsinki, Finland
Sonnenuntergang hinter dem Niesen
Ruka, Northern Finland
Winter will return…
Chains of the Sea
My Backyard
Textured Clown Puke
Snow at Pine Mountain Lake – Day 145
Snowy Fir
Snow Landscape 2 HDR
Montrose, Colorado
Ice and snow
View from Mattis HDR
Mt. Rainier
Frozen waterfall
Ruka Cottage
Rail Road Tressel – Berkshire, NY

Your Turn To Talk
I hope you enjoyed this post. Have you shot some great winter photos? Please feel free to link them and share your thoughts via Twitter [29] or Facebook [30].