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4 Free Guides to Help You Begin With Wedding Photography

Wedding photography is no easy feat. It requires a quick eye, a good sense of angles and posing, along with the ability to capture more candid moments during the ceremony.

All the while moving around with minimal equipment. So here are four free guides to give you a sense of how to go about it. We strongly recommend not to commit to an actual paid gig as a wedding photographer until you gain experience. But, practice makes perfect and everyone has to start somewhere. Check out these guides below to get started!

1. A Beginner’s Guide to Shooting Weddings [1]


Shooting a wedding involves a lot of people and a lot of challenges, including rowdy guests and lighting. There are a lot of considerations regarding gear and setup which Kent Du Fault briefly covers in this short guide. Download Here → [1]

2. Tips for Creating Memorable Wedding Portraits [2]


Portraits are a big part of wedding photography. Both candid and posed. As a photographer, you need to know things like how to pick a shooting location quickly, where and how to find good light, how to photograph couples in a flattering way, and also how to handle portraits in all types of weather conditions. Karthika Gupta covers the first few basic considerations for portraiture during a wedding. Download Here → [2]

3. Tried and True Methods to Get More Interesting Candid Photos of People [3]


Diane Wehr specializes in travel and street photography. But in a wedding you will be required to capture candid moments during the event. So this free guide is a great way to learn a few tips and tricks on what to look for and how to frame and compose your shots. Download Here → [3]

4. Creating the “Light & Airy” Style of Photography [4]


A lot of wedding photographs have this airy and pastel look to them. Surprisingly, this look is mostly achieved in-camera with a bit of editing to even out the image. Karthika walks you through her workflow in order to achieve this aesthetic in this free guide. Download Here → [4]

Further Reading – Fundamental Editing [5]

This premium guide will take you step by step on how to edit your images and establish an easy to follow workflow for future photographs. Wedding photography will certainly require some post-processing as you’ll most likely be dealing with a myriad of elements ‘in the moment’ which may not allow you to work on or correct on site. Check out this premium guide to help you learn fundamental editing today. [5]