The photographic world is a constantly evolving beast. Ever since the advent of digital technology, changes have come thick and fast. But the last few years have seen bigger changes than ever before.
Cameras are packed with more technology than ever before, smart phones come with high-resolution cameras and websites are being viewed on phones and tablets with increasing frequency. The way the industry works as a whole is changing too. Of course, it’s impossible to predict exactly what might happen over the next twelve months, but here’s what my crystal ball is telling me…

photo by Jon Glittenberg [1]
1. Mobile Optimized Websites
All photographers should have a website [2] for obvious reasons! But it’s now absolutely essential to make sure that you website is optimized for use on mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets.
Over the next twelve months, we’re only going to see an increase in their usage and, if your website doesn’t work, it’s likely that a client will just move straight onto the next site. Do also bear in mind that if your website currently uses Flash technology [3], it won’t work with Apple products.
2. Camera Phone Technology
In 2013, Nokia introduced [4] a phone with a 41mp camera attached to it, to great fanfare. And we can be sure that they’ll only be the first in a long line.
Up until now though, the issue has been that the lenses on camera phones are, to put it bluntly, rubbish. But Sony has now invented some very clever lenses [5], which attach to camera phones (the phone then becoming the viewfinder and controller). The lenses are a normal size and allow for far better optics. Expect to see more of this technology over the next year.
3. Bridge Cameras
Bridge cameras (by which I mean compact sized cameras with interchangeable lenses) are set to become even more popular in 2014.
The major manufacturers are all producing smaller and more advanced cameras, with a host of features that used to only be available on full sized DSLRs. And Sony (again!) have now produced a bridge camera with a full frame sensor in the A7 / A7R [6].
Bridge cameras are now serious alternatives to a full sized DSLR and I predict that this evolution will continue through 2014.
4. New Features
There are a host of new features being introduced in the camera world and as Photokina [7] is on this year (the biggest camera trade show in the world), we can expect to see a lot more added.
Canon, for instance, have already introduced a touchscreen on a DSLR and they are also prevalent on a large number of bridge and compact cameras. We’re also seeing a lot of cameras with Wi-Fi connectivity, as users want to be able to share their images quickly via social media.
Continuing on this vein, Canon has literally just announced a new Powershot, the N100 [8], which they’re dubbing the ‘story camera’. The main feature is a rear-facing 25mm equivalent camera that takes a photo or video of the photographer at the moment the shutter release is pressed (I can’t say this is a feature that I’d enjoy, although it will no doubt appeal to many).
Finally, camera manufacturers are also starting to introduce built-in filters to their cameras, in order for users to replicate the popular vintage styles of apps such as Hipstamatic and Instagram.
5. Professional Photography
As more and more people start to carry at least one device capable of taking pictures with them at all times, I believe that professional photographers [9] will need to specialize in order to stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s a particular product that we offer, or a distinctive style of shooting, us pros need to give something to the client that they can’t get through their smart phone.
The number of aspiring professional photographers is only increasing and, whilst some of them may never progress, many will form successful businesses. Whether established or just starting out, pros need to adapt to the changing marketplace and keep up to date with technological changes in order to keep running. There is still work out there, it’s just that the parameters have changed.
What do you think of this list? What are some of the trends you see coming in 2014? Please let us know via Twitter [10] or Facebook [11]!