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8 Apps to Manage Your Photography Business From Afar

As most professional photographers know quite well, owning a successful photography business often requires a lot of time on the road. Unless you focus solely on taking portraits in your studio, chances are good you’ll travel a lot to weddings, family reunions and scenic destinations like beaches and mountains.

In order to make your time away from the home office as productive and easy as possible, it’s a great idea to invest in a nice iPad [1] or other tablet so that you can take advantage of the latest and greatest apps and tools. Here are just a few iPad and Android app suggestions:

Photography Business Apps
photo by Jay Wennington [2]

Camera Accessories

There are a plethora of photography apps that will make your life easier when you are away from home, notes Fathom Focus. Here are just a few camera accessories to try out:


As your business grows, you will want to develop a portfolio to show prospective customers. Try one of these apps so it is always on you:


Even though you are away from the home studio, you’ll probably want to keep up with the details of your business. These apps can come in handy for organizing the business side of your photography career:

I hope you enjoyed this round-up of great apps for managing your photography business. Please feel free to chime in and leave a comment with your own suggestions via Twitter [11] or Facebook [12].