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Product Photography 101

Have you ever marvelled at how good product photos look? Ever catch yourself wondering how photographers come up with images that stick in consumers’ minds?

Every time you see product shots in magazines, brochures or catalogs, you think about how they are done or even where the shots are taken. You begin to imagine the process involved.

Is it as simple as setting up the scene and clicking away? Or are there more complicated steps to follow? Product photography may look simple, but it’s not really as easy as reciting the ABCs. A lot of hard work, skills and techniques go into every shot. Creativity is also a big factor.

Product Photography Studio
image by Alison Christine

Tips for Taking Product Photos

Whether you are shooting clothes or food [1] — or any other product — it is important to remember three things: equipment, techniques and skills. These three elements will be your guide in creating unique product photos that will have consumers running to the nearest stores.


It is important to have the right equipment or gear no matter what it is you are shooting. Here are some points you need to follow for product photography [2]:

Techniques and Tips

Now that you have the right equipment, it is time to move to the next element: techniques. You don’t have to be an A-grade photographer to come up with unique and creative product photos. Knowing the techniques and following some tips will help you a lot.


Your photographic skills also figure prominently in your quest for coming up with exceptional product photos. But this is something that you cannot force or manipulate. The best thing to do is practice, practice and practice. You may be a highly skilled and creative photographer, but if you do not use it and practice, you’ll get stuck and won’t be able to accomplish much.

Product photography is not simple, but it can be practiced, learned and mastered. All you need to have are determination and dedication — along with the tips and advices given above.