6 Ways to Help You Earn More If You’re a Beginner Photographer
Becoming a professional photographer is something that comes up with everyone once in a while. Being someone that people can rely on for their photography needs while earning a living out if it is a dream job for many.
What does it really take to become a paid photographer if you are only a beginner in photography yourself? Some of the most elemental tricks and tips are often enough to get you started while you can figure out the rest as you go.

Create Your Own Studio
Every professional photographer has a studio – why shouldn’t you? A studio can be anything from a backyard garage to a corner room that no one is using in the house. This will be your base of operations as you develop your photography career since it will let you concentrate on work and shut off everything else.
It’s also good practice to do meetings and business negotiations in this place since it will allow your potential clients a glimpse into your work ethics. Remember that a studio doesn’t have to be an expensive flat in the center of the city – the only rule is that there are no rules to follow.
Choose Your Specialty
Most photographers only focus on a select few areas during their career. The reasoning behind this is pretty clear when you break it down. Doing outdoor photography as opposed to photo-shooting parties or birthdays (for example) requires very different equipment.
It also requires the photographer to know elemental rules of shooting in different light conditions, air humidity as well as what gear is best suited for each. It often comes down to monetary issues as well since photography gear doesn’t come cheap. Specializing in a certain area or two will allow you to grow a portfolio and attract more niche clients to your practice.

Use Stock Photography Websites
Sites such as DepositPhotos or ShutterStock are widely known as paid photography websites. Many professional photographers make a living on these websites alone, often not shooting a single photograph if it won’t be published online. This is a good way to do business online and garner an international following since stock photos are in high demand.
Marketing agencies, blogs and professional company sites around the world rely on these services for their design needs. Even if you’re student and you want to illustrate any college projects, you can often use stock images, so this is exactly where you can make a profit as a photographer. While the entry tests and verifications are strict (as they should be), you can quickly start turning a profit as soon as your first images become published.

Develop A Competitive Mindset
Photographers live and die by the company they keep. Sometimes you will land projects and orders just because a satisfied client recommended you to their friends and acquaintances. Being competitive towards your fellow photographers is a good thing as long as you act like a professional and don’t hold any grudges. The best way to settle those disputes is to send your photos to a photography competition. These competitions are often based around certain global issues or revolutionary ides and they are often handsomely paid if you rank high enough.
While it may be a hit or miss situation for beginner photographers, even amateurs can make their mark by attending famous photography competitions and submitting their work for consideration. It will not only enrich your portfolio but also your resume since you will be able to list all the exhibitions and competitions your work was present on.
Advertise Yourself
You can advertise yourself for free or for relatively small prices on the web. While creating an online portfolio is important, it’s also important to make it visible for potential clients. Sharing your content on social media platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn will put you on the radar of potential clients that might like your work.
There is no shame in using your photographs as advertisement material as long as you copyright protect them and sign them with your name. You can also invest some money into Facebook ads and make your name viral for a week or two. It will show people that you are a professional who is ready for engagement with clients.

Be An Assistant Photographer
One of the safest ways to start your career in photography is to assist a professional in their day-to-day operations. Professional photographers are often in need of assistance, whether it revolves around logistics (equipment transport) or work delegation.
Being a beginner might work to your advantage if you are ready to work for a seasoned photographer who is willing to help you start your own career. You can also use this opportunity to gather references and potential clients for the future, all while learning the ropes of what paid photography is all about.
In Conclusion
Becoming an expert photographer and getting paid for your troubles will take some time and effort on your part. Keep in mind that the market is saturated with amateur photographers who want to turn a quick profit for very low effort.
Show your passion towards creating beautiful and memorable images and your work will speak volumes about who you are better than any other reference you could get. Once that happens, money will come flowing in naturally and you will have clients stack up at your door willing to take a chance with you.