Four Ways to Keep Your Photo Memories Safe
Digital phone cameras are ubiquitous these days, so much so that it’s hard to remember a time when they were not around. But print photos still have a bit of magic about them that a digital image can’t seem to replicate.
However, keeping those prints in good shape over the years is another story. They can be damaged from sunlight, dust or by the very photo albums they are stored in for safekeeping. For a format that was so widely used to capture and preserve so many beautiful memories, prints are alarmingly vulnerable.
But this is not a doomsday scenario yet. Prints can be protected and preserved as long as we use sound storage and preservation practices to keep them safe, dry and in good condition. Here’s a list of some of these practices.

1. Back them up first by digitizing them
An important first step is to actually scan every photo that you want to save. Think of this process as a way to back up your prints. This way, if any of your prints should get damaged or misplaced, you have a digital archive to retrieve those valuable memories from.
Photo digitization is basically like getting disaster coverage for your memories. You can choose to tackle this task yourself but a professional service can really ease the process for you. They can also digitally restore damaged images and optimize them for colour, richness, contrast and more.
2. Protect them from extreme conditions
Store your prints in a location that is not subject to extreme conditions, including harsh sunlight and temperature swings. Prints that are exposed to direct sunlight, even an hour of it at a time, start to look faded and washed out over time.
It’s also important to guard photos against varying humidity levels. Moisture can wreak havoc on the paper that photos are printed on and cause it to deteriorate. If you’re in a high humidity region, a dehumidifier or air conditioner will help you keep moisture levels low around your prints.
Attics, which are often the most common storage location for boxes of photos, are not the best in terms of temperature stability throughout the year. The temperature swings in these locations can go from as low as 30 degrees in winter to as hot as 100 degrees in summer. This kind of drastic fluctuation causes your prints to become fragile and brittle.
You should also check to make sure that your prints are not placed directly above or under an air vent. The hot and cold air blowing onto them in different seasons can expose them to damaging temperature changes again.

3. Store them with enough breathing room
The container or another holder in which you store your prints determines how well they stay preserved over the years. Photo albums that require you to paste or tape your prints to the pages are the worst form of storage because the adhesive element can seep into and damage them.
So, while sticking your photos in cheap albums for a bookshelf may seem like a good way to keep them within reach, it may eat into their life. The best albums have polypropylene pockets for your prints that are archival safe.
If you have to keep prints bundled, avoid using office materials such as paper or binder clips, or rubber bands to keep them together. These place pressure around edges and other points, resulting in creases and other irreversible damage.
It’s a good idea to discard your shoe boxes altogether and invest in archival quality and photo-friendly storage containers. Some of these are fortified around the edges and corners for added safety and protection. If you prefer to use a more standard container, however, use a polypropylene storage unit rather than a regular plastic one.
This kind of container usually has a PP logo on it along with the number 5 inside the recycling triangle symbol.

4. Safeguard them during a move
According to a survey that ScanCafe conducted some time ago, almost half of all Americans say that they have lost some of their old photos at some point.
And more than a quarter of this group cites moving or relocation as a reason. The average American, based on some estimates, shifts homes close to nine times during a lifetime and so these are all times when our personal photo collections are very exposed to this risk.
However, there are ways to guard against losing precious photos during a move. Store them in the archival quality or safe storage containers discussed earlier in the article and make sure these are clearly labelled with details of their contents. Keep these in a corner away from your other possessions so that they can be separately packed and carefully handled when the movers come in.
With a little extra care and precaution, you can ensure that your photos safely make the trip from your old home to the new one.