Noticing Beauty in the Ordinary
If we use our cameras as poetic tools for seeing, and really noticing the beauty all around us everyday; we will be astonished by the seemingly ordinary things we might otherwise pass by in our busy, activity-filled lives.
Open Your Eyes
Begin to notice simple everyday tasks in a new light. Notice the sunlight streaming through your kitchen window as you wash dishes. You can set up a tripod and photograph your morning.

image by Martin Nikolaj
You will be viewing it from a new perspective – one which will capture beauty you may not be aware of.
See The Shadows
Shadows are everywhere. Just noticing the way the light falls on objects and following the sun around can create some beautiful photographs. You will start seeing the shadow you cast yourself when you walk around and move about, doing ordinary things.
Have your camera ready when that magic moment comes.
See Family Routines as Memory-Makers
Capture the beauty of your daily family routine—the things that you always do a certain way. Family rituals that may seem mundane really are the keys to making magical photographs that tell a story. You can capture the love and happiness and joy that your family is filled with.
Again, you’ll see everything you usually do from a different perspective — as an observer, instead of as a participant.
In order to do this you will need to use your camera’s self timer. You can set it at 10 seconds and move quickly back into the frame. Or, the easier and more candid and natural way is to buy a remote for your camera, and click it at random when you want to snap the photograph. You can fully participate without having to be photographer too. This makes for some really interesting shots.
Pause for the Morning Dew
Go outside for a long morning walk to find dewdrops to photograph. When you find some morning dew, crouch down low and shoot macro or wide angle lens if you have them. Or, just get close in to your subject with your smart-phone camera.
Get close to that blade of grass or the tiny leaf cupping a tiny droplet of dew. Marvel at the intricate spider-web dripping in dew drops like a silken quilt. Notice the masterpieces in creation. They are everywhere if you get still and really look. Pause. Get quiet and notice.
Admire the sky
Look up. Be still and sit quietly. Photograph the sky in all it’s glory. It is an ever-changing canvas of vivid colours.
Take a moment to experience it. Watch the clouds roll by. Watch a summer thunderstorm. You are starting to see the beauty in the ordinary. Keep seeing and searching for that beauty.
“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” –Confucius
Amber is a photographer, teacher, writer, artist, and proud Mommy. She is a natural light photographer who blogs about living simply, thankfulness, and capturing the beauty and joy in everyday.