6 Great Tips & Tricks to Make Your Water-Themed Images Pop
You love how the sun’s rays shimmer on the water and the fun splash as your kids hit the pool. But what’s the best way to shoot these images and capture the splendor of the moment?
Taking water-centric photos involves some skill and technique, but it doesn’t mean you can’t capture a memorable shot if you don’t have a ton of experience. Consider these tips and tricks the next time you find yourself waterside, and watch your images pop off the screen.
Set a theme for your session

image by “Visit St. Pete/Clearwater”
Setting a theme can generate fun ideas regarding location, time of day and even attire for your photo subjects. Is the setting a beach? Consider adding bright hats, sunglasses and colorful bathing suits so color will crawl off the page. Add props like lawn chairs, umbrellas and cocktails to accentuate the shot. Don’t be afraid to play!
Know the time to capture reflections

image by Hefin Owen
The key to capturing beautiful reflections is in the timing of the shot. Early morning or evening in a lake or river offer the greatest possibility to capture water at its stillest. Align your camera in a way where you can include a maximum reflection with minimal shoreline to get the ideal shot. Balance the image by capturing equal parts of the shore and the reflection and use a density filter for lighting.
Experiment with LED lights

image by Aurimas
Evening pool photos are a fun way to experiment with color and lighting.Color LED lighting will jazz up the ambiance and theme of your photograph of the pool, whether your kids are diving off the board or you’re taking a candid shot of your spouse watching all the fun.
Use the sky to your advantage

image by Patrick Emerson
If you love nature, your bucket list might include capturing a waterside picture which also highlights the sky. A cloudy day works to your advantage because it doesn’t highlight extreme light or darkness. By having varying shades of light, a photo of a lake or river will appear illuminated underneath a blanket of clouds.
Try Underexposing your shot
You definitely want to avoid making your pictures of the water appear white. To prevent this from happening, find the + and – button on your camera and manually underexpose your shot. This might require some maneuvering on your part to find a happy medium, but getting an image that is awe-inspiring requires some work on your part. When onlookers say they want to reach out and touch the water, clouds and sun, you won’t regret spending the time fidgeting with your camera.
Play with shutter speed

image by Zach Dischner
Experimenting with shutter speed means potentially creating some creative shots. Slowing down shutter speed waterside will give a lake or river a more dreamy look, while speeding it up will help you capture the water splash as your kid dives into the pool. Just like with your exposure, spend some time finding the right balance for your setting to get the perfect shot.