4 Steps to a Better Photography Resume
Many of the photographers we see have stunning, well-curated portfolios, but they neglect their photography resume. In order to land the jobs you really want you need to have a world-class portfolio and a resume that makes you stand out from the crowd.
If you follow these 4 steps you can take your resume from average to the top of the pile.
1. Use a Photographers Resume Format
Standard resume format includes education, work history and objectives. You need to convey your skill level and creativity and this standard resume format will not adequately convey those qualities. You should also include sections for skills and technical expertise. Also, you need a digital portfolio.

Photography is a visual medium and a great visual presentation is your best marketing tool. Before the digital age, portfolios included mounted images in a physical portfolio book. Digital photography and the internet has changed the way people hire photographers. You need your resume and digital portfolio to look as good, if not better, than your in-person portfolio.
This new resume format should integrate your portfolio into your resume so that is flows seamlessly from your resume potion into the portfolio. If you are emailing a client a resume and portfolio it should be one integrated file.
2. Highlight Skills and Technical Expertise
Now more than ever, potential clients want to know what digital and technical skills you have above and beyond just the photography. They want to know what computer editing programs you’ve mastered what classes you’ve taken, and whether you can edit video. Make sure to list any certifications or trade specific classes you have taken.
They want to know that you don’t just take good pictures but that you are an expert in your industry. If you have expertise shooting with different cameras and lenses, feel free to include that information and a short description of what the different cameras and lenses accomplish.
3. Know your Specialty
Pick an area of photography you are most interested in working in and tailor your resume and portfolio to that area.
When someone hires a wedding photographer they want to know that photographer is an amazing wedding photographer. If someone wants to hire a product photographer they’re not going to be nearly as impressed with a sunset beach picture.
It can be the most amazing sunset beach picture but it does not demonstrate the skills needed for product photography. Some specialties might require special equipment, if your specialty requires special equipment make sure you highlight that you have mention that in your skills and technical expertise as discussed in paragraph 2.
4. Use a Professional Resume Service
A resume is a professional written product and in order to get the best results, aka more jobs, you need to have it professionally written, edited, and proofread. Professional resume services can help you prepare a resume from scratch or help you take your existing resume and polish it to the quality you need to land the jobs you want. They can tailor their services and cost to your needs and budget. Here are 5 resume building services that we recommend for photographers:
- Resume Builder: My Perfect Resume
- Custom Writing Service Boom Essays
- LiveCareer Resume
- Australian Writing Service EssayRoo
- Google Resume Builder
These professional resume writing services have the expertise you need so that your resume looks as good as your photos.
If you follow these 4 tips we’re are sure that you will have a more effective resume, which will help you get hired for those jobs really want. If these tips help you please share with other photography professionals so they too can have resumes and portfolios that better represent their brand and style.