8 Tips for a Creating a Memorable Photography Adventure
Photographs are not only intended to capture special moments; they’re also meant to tell stories. This is what makes taking photos a beautiful and memorable adventure.
You’re actually a part of something unfolding; an adventure that your subject – and yourself – will remember for a long time.

While it’s true that a lot of photographers nowadays take photos to earn an income, this doesn’t mean that they have forgotten the fun part of it. This is particularly true for those who consider taking photos not only a hobby or a means of livelihood, but also as a passion and a means of self-expression.
It is also important for photographers like you to remember several important things about traveling and creating adventurous moments. These tips are particularly aimed at those who are first-timers.
Why It’s Important to Have Fun
When a photographer knows how to have fun and is open to adventures, this will show in the photos. The audience loves images that are bright, crisp, clear, and full of action. They prefer photos that tell stories, especially positive and inspiring ones.
Once you learn how to create adventures for every photography project you have, your photos will start to attract more curiosity and attention.

Tips for Creating Memorable Adventurous Moments
It’s easy to create adventurous moments in photography. Here are simple tips you can follow.
Bring Essential Gear
First off, since you are a photographer and plan to have a memorable adventure, don’t forget to invest in and bring your most essential photography gear.
Once you are in your destination, finding the gear that you need (or forgot to bring) could become a challenge. And, of course, working with equipment you are familiar and comfortable with is the most ideal and will definitely help make everything easier and more fun.
Research Several Destinations
…but don’t pinpoint which one to go first. A few days before your trip, find time to research several destinations. Doing this will help you plan your itinerary for both the destination and the shoot.
Once you are there, do not be afraid to ask the locals. Don’t just rely on Google and online reviews; get the best tips from the locals – from those who live there 24/7, 365 days a year. You can approach the concierge in the hotel you’re staying or you can go to the tourist center (provided there is one). You can also roam around and talk to the locals you’ll meet there.
Experience Everything Local
Go to local markets, shops, and restaurants. Ride public transportation. Getting a feel of life there (in your destination) will greatly help you conceptualize your photoshoot.
Respect Laws & Customs
You’ll encounter these things when you do your research about the place. This pertains not only to local customs, like the proper way to greet locals, but also to those that are related to photographers and taking photos.
Be Random
The best way to be adventurous is to be spontaneous. It’s definitely okay to follow a schedule, especially if you’re working with clients. But there’s always room for random ideas. For example, if you’re taking photos of children, do not spend majority of your time trying to ask them to sit still and smile for the camera. Rather, let them be their normal selves. Maybe you can ask them to play while you’re trying to capture images of them.
Being random means not over thinking or being too serious. It means opening yourself to risks and allowing things to flow naturally. No choreography.
Another good example would be stopping by the beach while on your way to meet friends. Or while walking on your way home. Who knows what kind of creative photographic adventure you’ll find at the beach, right? The key is to create moments that make your photography more fun and meaningful.
Set aside some time or even a day when you do not have a plan. Use this as your adventure time. Go for a walk at the beach, by foot or on an ATV (if available). Do not allow yourself to be dictated by time. Just allow yourself to be free. Stop whenever and go wherever you want to. If you meet some people, invite them on your adventure. This is the best way to make sure that your trip becomes an exciting and memorable adventure.
Experiment With Camera Movements
Create photography adventures and have fun while doing what you love by moving your camera in ways you’ve never done before. Have you ever tried “throwing” your camera in the air? It’s a heart-stopping kind of adventure, but it is fun – the risky kind of fun – and it can help you come up with incredible shots. This one is not for the fainthearted though.
To do this, you need to work with a self-timer and long shutter speed. Throw the camera in the air before the shutter releases and be sure to catch it with steady hands. This needs a lot of practice, so better be prepared to spend some time on mastering this. And when you do so, make sure you do this where the ground is quite “comfortable” for your camera (grass, soil, snow… definitely not on the pavement!).
Other camera movements you can try include panning and rotating.
Zoom & Shoot
This is not the usual zooming in to your subject and then clicking the camera. What you should do to add a bit of fun to your shot is use your zoom lens to zoom in and out and take shots of the images while you are doing so. In other words, take the shot while zooming in (or out). This can create some really interesting zoom blur effects.
Use Film
If you want a different kind of photography adventure, schedule at least one day a week to take photos using film cameras. And then, of course, have your photos printed the classic way – in a darkroom.
And while you’re at it, find a good scrapbook or album and place all your printed photos there. This is the kind of adventure that will keep your adrenaline high!

Create Your Own Adventures
There are many other ways for you to make photography a fun adventure – and to make your photos stand out. The most important thing to remember, however, is the fact that you can create your own adventures whenever and wherever you want. So just go out there, bring your camera and start clicking away!