How I Got to Be Featured as One of the “8 Incredible Photographers in Asia”?
I was recently featured by Shutterstock as one of the “8 Incredible Photographers in Asia”. Read on and know how I got it.
For many photographers, one of the highlights of their career is when they get features in popular and prominent blogs – photography blogs, in particular. These blogs usually have thousands of followers and readers. For many, being published online – and on a photography site at that – is like a validation of sorts of the kind of work they do.
But getting featured in one is not easy. It’s not something that happens overnight. It involves a lot of hard work, dedication, and know-how on how to do things and strike the right connections.
Why a Photographer Should Be Excited to be Featured in a Major Photography Blog
The exposure a photographer gets from being featured in a photography blog is a major thing. It can change and improve a career. There are actually a lot of reasons why a photographer should get excited about getting online exposure.

Anyone who considers himself an artist – a designer, a painter, a performer, or a photographer – should know that the online world is filled with opportunities. But these are not easy to come by, unless one becomes a viral sensation by way of a social media post or through a website feature. Every day, millions of people go online to visit social media websites. So when a photographer’s work is featured, there might be a business executive, a network head, or a fashion model who’ll find your portfolio
What’s even better is that this can open up more avenues for a photographer to establish a network of connections. And this can start a chain of sorts – a positive one that can bring in even more opportunities.
Tips and Tricks for Photographers to Get Published in a Major Photography Blog
While it’s not easy to attract a photography blogger’s attention, there are several things that need to be done to prepare for that big moment.
1. Make sure your portfolio stands out
For a photographer, a strong portfolio is everything. It is what gives prospective clients and partners an idea of the kind of hard work, dedication, and talent one has. It shows off what one has done and can do. Anybody who wants to hire an honest-to-goodness, passionate, and highly skilled photographer will appreciate a sneak peek of what to expect.
The same thing goes for photography bloggers. Since they’re familiar with the craft, they’ll know a good one when they see one; and a great portfolio can certainly help with that.
Also, a well-made portfolio is one of the most professional things a photographer can ever have. It tells people how serious one is about the craft.
2. Gather as many international connections and projects as possible
It won’t be an easy thing to do, but gather as many international connections and projects as possible. Don’t be confined to your country or local community. So every time there is a chance, you should grab the opportunity. Market your services on LinkedIn and connect to several international creative communities. Join discussions. Give advice.
You can also optimize your website for certain keywords. For instance, if you’re offering architectural photography services in your country, SEO “architectural photographer philippines” and focus on it for 3-6 months.
3. Accept only projects, assignments, and shoots that are in accordance to your goals
Always carefully select the projects you work on and the groups you work with. Readers, prospective clients, and gallery owners would want to know what kind of projects, assignments, campaigns, and shoots a photographer can do.
As such, it is important to go only for the ones that have the right objectives, a good concept, and those that are genuinely in support of your goals.
4. Stick to your branding and pricing
You probably know this already, but branding is crucial in photography. It is one of the things that will make you stand out as a photographer. It is what will help prospective clients see you differently – unique as compared to other photographers. Once you’ve decided and started on what your branding should be, you need to stick to it.
It’s your identity, so you shouldn’t let anything or anybody sway you off course. Photographers who know what they want and stick to it are what bloggers and photography magazines prefer the most.
In addition to this, coming up with a good pricing list and sticking to it is very important. Photographers who know their work’s worth are a magnet not only for bloggers but also for would-be clients, professional models, gallery owners, and blog / social media followers. They can help you create a good impact in the photography community.
5. Consistency is the key
Always keep in mind that consistency is an essential factor for success. You can’t give a client your best today and then come up with mediocre work tomorrow. You always have to give the same level of passion and dedication, otherwise, people will believe you’re not really serious about your work.
Besides, photography bloggers like to introduce their readers to photographers who are faithful to what they do. These bloggers are not just talking about photography because they want to; they do it because it’s what they love to do. So they want to feature people who share that same passion and dedication.

It’s important to connect with other photographers, graphic designers, social media managers, gallery owners, art directors, and with other creative individuals and groups.
Building a network is important if you want to establish yourself in the photography community. This will not only let people know you are serious and passionate about your craft; it will also tell them that you are open to working with different individuals and groups.
6. It is essential to know some basic information about photography blogs
If you really want to be featured on a major photography blog, you should find time to get to know and familiarize yourself with the blogs you have your eye on. Know the kind of content that the readers like, as well as what the blogger usually writes about.
In addition, it is also important to find out if the photography blogger has certain requirements. This will give the impression that you are really interested in the blog.
Also, once you’ve established a network, you can start exchanging ideas and even pointers. It will also help if you can show people some of the work you’ve done.
Above everything else, what matters most is how dedicated you are to photography. If you truly love what you are doing, it will show in the photos you create and people will see this. And this will make for a very interesting blog feature.
Of course, practice is also important, because it’s what will help make you an even better photographer than you already are.