10 Killer Tips for Taking Street Photos at Night
There are many reasons why some photographers like taking street photos at night. Of course, the first and most obvious is the fact that the street becomes more alive.
And this is not just because more people go out at night, but also because the night brings a more dramatic, extraordinary effect to otherwise simple scenes. This is true especially for busy streets like those you see in cities.

Different light sources embrace the cityscape; there are colored ones, dancing lights, solitary and steady lights, car lights, and even lampposts. The scene is bathed in a myriad of colors, so there’s a more exciting vibe. It’s like everything is given a different meaning.
However, you won’t be able to get good shots if you do not know how to do it properly. Or if you do not have the right equipment. Therefore, it is important first to learn what you need to prioritize, do and keep in mind before going out at night with your camera.
How to Shoot Good Street Photos at Night

The first thing you need to learn is having the right photography equipment or gear for night photography. You can’t go out and take photos using your smartphone and then expect exceptionally good images.
There is photography gear that you can use if you want to come up with good night street photos.

- Your camera. You can use a compact, mirrorless, or DSLR camera. It depends on what you have or what your budget can give you. Look for a manual or semi-automatic compact camera that will allow you to shoot with a high ISO. A good image sensor size is also important. On the other hand, if you’re planning to use your DSLR camera, be sure to bring the the right lenses. The aperture should be at least f2.8 (f1.2 to f1.8 are recommended). If you go with a narrower option, you’re going to have a difficult time taking good shots. Do not forget to set your ISO high; your options should be from 1600 to 6400.
- Additionally, you can try shooting with a wide-angle lens to capture more of the scene. This will make your depth of field larger and likewise, you won’t have a difficult time taking sharper photos. Some photographers like to use 28mm lenses, but some will also consider 35mm, 50mm, or even 85mm.
- One of the things you won’t need is a tripod. Bringing one will not give you a lot of space to be spontaneous and creative. Besides, it won’t be easy lugging a tripod as you go around the streets!
- It is important to remember that you do not need to use flash. Artificial light, like the one created by your flash, will make the night scenes look unnatural. Also, when you do street photography, you want to be as unnoticed as possible; so if you use flash, everyone will be looking your way. Look for lighted areas that you can use instead of the flash. You can either look for a subject with a light source behind them, or position yourself in a place where you can aim your camera at the light source. Play with the light sources first before taking a serious shot. Remember, you are shooting a night scene; therefore, they should look like they were taken at night.
- Additionally, since you do not want to be noticed by people while going around the streets, make sure your camera is black, as this does not attract a lot of attention the way a white or brightly colored camera does. Also, you might want to wear dark clothes. If you wear red or yellow, or anything shiny & sparkling, you will stand out and attract attention. Avoid wearing anything expensive and, please, please do not wear high-heeled shoes. Sneakers are your best option because they’re comfortable, and you will be doing a lot of walking!
- Find different shooting areas, and don’t stay in one place for hours. Aside from limiting your scene options, this will also make you look suspicious. A lot of action is happening in the streets, so explore and use your creativity. Avoid shooting in dark and hidden alleys, though.
- Always bring someone with you when you decide to shoot in the streets at night. This is especially useful if you are not familiar with the area you are shooting. It is always best to be prepared.
- When shooting people, try as much as possible to find not-moving subjects. It isn’t easy to take sharp photos of people in motion at night. You can, however, take pictures of moving objects like cars. Or, if you want to take photos of people in action, be sure there is a good background or surrounding that can add a sharp element to your photo. For example, if you want to take a picture of some people dancing, look for an angle that will show their surroundings and then press your shutter button as softly as you can. Since your shutter slows down, it will allow some light to come in. Be careful not to move around while doing this. If you do this properly, your moving subjects may be blurred, but their background will be sharp.
- You can also try taking photos of your subject positioned against the light. This will result in silhouettes, which many like because of their dramatic/poetic effect.
- While some night scenes will look good from far away, you should also try to shoot closer to your subjects. You can try to do this, especially if you want your subject to be the main focus. But, of course, night shots are always good when you make your subject a part of a bigger scene.

If you want to take good street photos at night, make sure you also follow street photography etiquette. As always, practice makes perfect. Go out one night and practice taking pictures of whatever night scene you want. Once you know what to do, schedule another shoot and click away!