Travel Photography Gear & Accessories to Bring on Your Next Trip
Thanks to the prevalence of digital cameras and relative low prices, there’s never been a better time to get into the world of photography. And there’s never a better time to take amazing pictures than while on a trip.
Whether it’s a day trip or extended travel abroad, you’re guaranteed to find opportunities for taking incredible pictures. However, without the right gear, you might not come home with the photos you were expecting.

There’s a huge range of accessories out there for photographers, and we’re going to run through some of the most essential items so that you can make the most out of your camera – we’ll assume you already have a camera. Right?
A Decent Tripod Can Make Things Easier
A tripod is invaluable for making the most out of your photography. Even though most modern digital cameras have effective anti-shake technology, a tripod still has a lot more to offer and can better stabilize your shots.

Various features of some cameras, such as time-lapse functions, can only really be used effectively with a tripod. The same goes for panorama features which, while doable hand-held, still benefit from the stability of a tripod.
These days, you can pick up quality portable tripods at a very reasonable price. Travel versions are also available, and while they may not sport the same features as their full-sized cousins, they are still handy for setting up shots while out and about.
Lenses Allow You to Specialize Your Photography
While many digital cameras these days come with fairly versatile kit lenses, any photographer worth their salt knows that without a few extra lenses, they’ll never be able to make their pictures stand out.

For many photographers, this ends up being the biggest expense when it comes to gear & accessories (after the camera body of course), though it’s undoubtedly a worthwhile one. Wide angle lenses make a huge difference when it comes to really capturing impressive landscapes. Fast aperture and prime lenses are worth investing in if you want to do street or portrait photography. And a telephoto lens is ideal for getting close-ups from a distance while out and about.
Filters Let You Get the Most out of Light
Serious photographers generally use filters to get the most out of their images depending on the situation. You don’t need to splash out to put together a set of basic filters.

As you might already know, Graduated Neutral Density filters (GND) are perfect for getting the most out of sunrises and sunsets. Circular Polarizing filters (CPL) will make a big difference to any pictures of water outdoors. And Neutral Density (the non-graduated sort, or ND) filters are ideal for long exposure shots outside during the day.
You’re going to want a decent lens cleaning kit to make sure you always get the best out of your equipment. They are easy to pick up, and generally fairly cheap.
Batteries and Chargers Are Indispensable
On a less exciting note, every photographer knows the irritation of losing battery power halfway through a trip. That’s why it’s always worthwhile bringing a few spare batteries along with you. You can usually pick extra batteries up online at a reasonable price, and chargers aren’t especially expensive.
Just make sure you get the correct battery for your camera make and model!

photo by Alan Levine
If you do a fair amount of international travel, it’s also worthwhile making sure that you’ve got a power adaptor for various countries. Again, these can be picked up reasonably cheap these days, with many compact models about the size of an average plug.
Backup Memory Cannot Be Missed
It goes without saying that it’s worth ensuring you bring a decent laptop with you on your travels. This way, you can check your photos as you go and keep a track of anything that needs changing regarding your approach. It’s also worthwhile bringing along a few extra memory cards. Similar to battery life, nothing’s worse than running out of space on your camera and needing to either delete pictures, or simply call it a day on the photography.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that cards can easily become corrupted or damaged, so you’re going to want to upload your pictures as you go to ensure that they’re always backed up. It can be a good idea to get a card with decent storage space, to ensure that you always have as much memory as you need.
A Decent Bag Is Essential for Travelling
A robust and reliable camera bag is something worth investing in if you find yourself going on trips on a regular basis. There are plenty of options available on the market that are designed to fit a wide range of different digital cameras, from ThinkTank to LowePro. You’re going to want a good balance between carrying your equipment and remaining portable.

Naturally, it depends on how you travel. If you’re more of an off road and rugged traveller, you’re going to need something robust that can be easily manoeuvred. On the other hand, if you do most of your travelling by car, you can probably use a larger bag for long drives and fit everything in it, and then have a second smaller bag like a sling or messenger bag for when you just need to bring your camera and a lens or two.
These are just some basic things you’re going to need to ensure you can get back home with amazing images. Everything above can be picked up at reasonable prices. You’re guaranteed to notice a big difference when it comes to the photos you take while travelling.