40 Wonderful Photos of Birds in Flight
Capturing great shots while the birds are keeping still on a branch or on the ground can sometimes be quite the challenge, but it becomes increasingly difficult when they are in flight.
We know that bird photography often requires specialized lenses, as well as a lot of trial and error, and of course, keeping still and hiding in order not to scare the birds away. Below are 40 examples of photos of birds in flight. You will of course notice that many of those photos show the bird against a blue sky, which is to be expected with bird photos, but the real challenge comes with creating a great composition and ensuring that you capture an interesting moment.
Don’t forget to check out our article on photographing birds and nature when the lighting conditions are not so perfect.
Great Blue Heron
Northern Shovelers In Flight
British Airways
Jacobin Cuckoo
Black-crowned Night Heron
Bald Eagle
Flying Cocoi Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Common Shelduck in Flight
Bald Eagle in Mid-Air Flight
Owl in Flight
Vol de Perroquets
Photo by Jean-Raphaël Guillaumin
Caspian Catch
A Matter of Perspective
Chroicocephalus Ridibundus
Puffin – Fratercula Arctica
Photo by óskar elías sigurðsson
I Saw A Goose

Photo by Randen Pederson
Brown Pelican Overhead
Colors In The Sky
The Bird Show of Blue & Yellow Macaw
Stalking My Prey… Kingfisher
Photo by Keshav Mukund Kandhadai
Cardinal in Flight
Seagoing Heron
Taking Down the Moon

Photo by photophilde
Full Speed Ahead
Anna’s Hummingbird – Rear View
Flying Eagle Owl
Barn Owl in Flight
Hello Ladies
Flying Eagle
Great Blue Heron
Silent Hunter

Photo by photophilde
I hope you enjoyed this round-up of great birds in flight photographs and that it inspired you to get out there and capture those wonderful animals.