5 Photography Pricing Fears & Myths You Should Not Buy Into
There are several factors to consider when planning out a photography business. Once you plan out your product and/or services and decide which direction you want to go, one of your next steps in building your business is setting your prices.
This can be tricky and intimidating because of many myths and fears, including these five.

1. I Can’t Charge What I Can’t Afford
Regardless of what you charge, your services should always be a value to your clients. If you have the skills to provide a professional valuable photography service, then it is worth the dollar amount you put on it.
You should not assume that if your prices would be out of your own price range, you shouldn’t charge it. People will pay for things they see value in, plain and simple. You need to feel confident in your worth.
2. A Workshop Will Have Me Booking $10,000 Weddings
Workshops are meant to give you the tools you need and help guide you to reach your goals. They can provide valuable information to get you headed in the right direction. However, you need to keep in my mind that it up to you to put in the work needed to be successful.
Whether your personal goal is to book a $5,000 wedding or a $10,000 wedding, it is up to you to take advantage of the information provided for you in the workshops and really use it to reach that goal.

3. People In My Area Won’t Pay That Much
As mentioned earlier, people WILL pay for things they value. If they appreciate the service you offer, they will pay you what you are worth. You need to feel confident in what you are offering and your prices, regardless of your area. Make a mark in your area and make people want to use your services, even if they have to save up for it.
4. I Should Base My Prices On The Cost Of My Gear
The price of your gear should determine the price of your services. If you are a great photographer, you should be able to create high quality images, regardless of the camera you are using.
A camera is only as good as the person operating it. Of course higher end gear can simplify things for photographers…
But if you have the skills it takes to be a professional photographer, you should be able to get great results from whatever camera gear you are shooting with.

5. I Should Keep My Prices Low To Compete With Other Photographers In My Area
One of the most destructive things you can do to your business is buy into this assumption. There are many areas that are heavily saturated with photographers who are considered to be “cheap.” Your goal should not be to compete with cheap.
Photography services aren’t a necessity, they are a luxury. This is why it is crucial to be confident in the worth and value of what you have to offer.

There are those who simply won’t pay a high price for a photo session. This is because they don’t truly value the service. Not all clients will be for you, and you will not be the one for all clients, and that is perfectly okay.
But if people see true value in you and your business, they will understand that it’s a luxury and will want to pay whatever it is you are charging.
To Sum It All Up
Once you have a plan and goals set in mind and know which direction you want to take your photography business, do not be intimidated and get sucked into believing the above pricing myths.
Recognize and be confident in your services and don’t be afraid to charge what you are worth to reach your goals. Your “cheap” competition, gear, area, or personal income should not be determining factors in your photography prices.